A jolly good read.
Such a splendid sequel. I do say!
A jolly good read.
Such a splendid sequel. I do say!
Absolutely fantastic.
Nice job with the smooth animation and the syncing to the sounds. This movie reminds me of Windows Noises by ClownStaples.
Yeaaah I get that one alot lol
thanks for the review!
"Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm gonna kill you."
My gut nearly exploded from the laughter.
Great movie man.
Great job!
Nicely done and thanks for using my music^^!
Lmao @ The Sexy Dancing Bannana Man!
Funny. Lol.
That was pretty funny man! Thanks for using my music.
reasons why coke kicks pepsi's ass:
1. coke is the original
2. pepsi tastes like shit
3. pepsi keeps copying coke's awesome ideas
4. fuck pepsi
5. go coke
6. pepsi lovers are mostly all newbies (go on you newbies say "2x4 suck a dick" ill laugh at your newbness)
7. coke tastes WAY better
This movie sucks.
That's why it's so good! WAIT..............UR LIKE 9 GO FUCK YOURSELF CUZ YOR MOVIE RULZE. Hahaha. Kthx....
Fuck you.
Age 98, Male
Justifying poop
uber school
Up my ass
Joined on 11/15/04